
Little Bean Coffee Company, previously known as Cafe Book is a coffee shop and cafe in downtown Antioch.

In May 2018, a former employee purchased Cafe Book and in 2019 slowly started making renovations to the space. After a year of renovations and changes we changed our name to Little Bean Coffee Company!

We are thrilled to be a third place for the community. A place that isn’t home or work and is available to you! We encourage you to have meetings, study groups, dates, and lunch or breakfast with us!

We carry Anodyne coffee. Our baked goods change daily, and all of our sandwiches,soups, and salads are prepped in house.

We are looking forward to hosting workshops, events, and more for the community. Little Bean Coffee Company can’t wait to grow for you and with you, Antioch.

Thank you for your support. We love you a latte!